To generate a metallocage enter a SMILES string of linker molecule, select the cage architecture and submit! Generate the linker SMILES string in the sketcher window and click Get Smiles, or copy and paste from ChemDraw™ with Edit/Copy As/SMILES. Architectures are depicted here.
Property | |
M-M Distance / Å | None |
Max. enclosed sphere / Å3 | None |
Max. escape sphere / Å3 | None |
H bond donors | None |
Rotatable bonds | None |
To add a substrate draw the molecule in the sketcher window and click Get Smiles, or copy and paste from ChemDraw™. The accuracy of the method ranges from using a purely repulsive FF to utilising tight-binding DFT partial atomic charges to estimate the electrostatic interaction.
Property | |
Size complementarity | None |
S. rotatable bonds | None |
S. H bond donors | None |
Substrate binds | None |
Confidence | None |